![AGN Pros: Soul Miners Union](https://img.tradecast.eu/3X7SFhyxHV1un6kN6B9lu1RdKANDXyXzU43Ios8sRiM/rt:fit/s:320:0:1/gravity:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbGxndWl0YXJuZXR3b3JrLmNvbS9jZG4vY3VzdG9tX3RodW1ibmFpbHMvODgyMjExMWYtOWFlMS00NmQzLWE1NjUtMGRmZDEyZWM5NGRmL2N1c3RvbS10aHVtYm5haWwtMTI4MHg3MjAuanBn.jpg)
AGN Pros: Soul Miners Union
Soul Miners Union is an original Roots and Blues band paying homage to American songwriting, rhythms, and tones. Hailing from the mountains and valleys of Pennsylvania, the united experience of Ben Brandt on guitar and Kevin Koa on guitar/bass. The boys came by the AGN studios whilst in LA working on their album which is being produced by the one and only Josh Smith.