Fab's Music Café

Jas Morris of Firekind
Fab's Music Café

Jas Morris of Firekind

Fab's Music Café: Jas Morris of Firekind.
54:164 years ago
A coffee with Andy Martongelli
Fab's Music Café

A coffee with Andy Martongelli

Guitarist, songwriter, guitar teacher and producer, Andy (Andrea Martongelli) belongs to the Hard Rock / Heavy Metal world since 1999, when the Metal band Arthemis starts their Music journey. From 1999 to nowadays Andy recorded with his band ARTHEMIS and other bands (Ellefson, Power Quest, Killer Klown, The Snake...), several Metal albums, constantly touring and performing (with David Ellefson Band, Arthemis, Altitudes & Attitude, Power Quest, Kobra And The Lotus and as solo artist) at some of the greatest World Rock-Metal events, establishing himself as a Rock-Metal guitarist but also as an eclectic musician and great songwriter. With Ellefson Band, Arthemis, and other bands previously mentioned, Andy toured Europe many times as well as United Kingdom, Japan and U.S.A. as opening act for bands like Slash feat. Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators, Megadeth, Saxon, Dragonforce, Helloween, Adrenaline Mob, Manowar, Cradle Of Filth, Glenn Hughes and many others; performing at some of the biggest world events as Hellfest (France) Download Festival (Donington-UK), Wacken Open Air, Bloodstock Open Air UK, Hammerfest, Hard Rock Hell UK, Hammerfest UK, Gods Of Metal, Hard Rock Hell Ibiza, Japan Headlining Tours Andy has released instructional Guitar DVDs & books (YOUNG GUITAR Metal lessons, Music-off Heavy Guitar Lessons, The Metal Injection, Suonare nello stile di Yngwie J. Malmsteen, 50 Heavy Metal Monster-Licks), as partner with many guitar magazines, recording studios (as session-guitar player, producer for Rock and Metal bands), music schools (Andy is the head of the Rock-Metal Guitar Department of "MMI Modern Music Institute" with over 50 schools in Italy). Andy is also a Guitar tutor and does guitar masterclasses and workshops around the world on a regular basis (Namm Show USA, Frankfurt Musik Messe, Musicians Institute "MI Japan", London Guitar Show, Second Hand Guitar, Music Italy Show…) and is a very productive musician, always hungry for new musical challenges day by day, carrying on his mission with new tours and creating songs that inspire thousands fans. New tour dates will be announced soon! MMI INTERNATIONAL - ESSENTIAL ROCK/METAL GUITAR METHOD @ Modern Music Institute - MMI International)
01:05:164 years ago
- A coffee with Jack J Hutchinson
Fab's Music Café

- A coffee with Jack J Hutchinson

Jack J Hutchinson is a London based guitarist and singer songwriter. Described by Classic Rock Magazine as “Southern-smoked blues-rock with hooks, choruses, the lot”, his most recent album ‘Who Feeds The Wolf?‘ reached #1 in the Amazon Blues Chart and the iTunes Blues Chart Top 5. Born in Leicester, Hutchinson spent his formative years in Burnley in the north west before moving to London to be an artist and musician. To date, he has released two solo albums, including 2017’s critically acclaimed ‘Paint No Fiction'. He has toured internationally, including shows in Brazil, Spain, Russia, France, Germany. He has also played various high profile festivals, including BluesFest at the O2 alongside Bad Company and Ramblin’ Man Fair, where he shared the bill with ZZ Top, Rival Sons and Blackberry Smoke. Support slots have included Monster Truck and Kris Barras Band. He's currently recording his new studio album 'The Hammer Falls' at Momentum Studios in Plymouth.The 11 tracks were written during lockdown last year and the album will be released in autumn 2021 to coincide with a UK Tour.
52:404 years ago
Fab's Music Café: Stephen Perkins
Fab's Music Café
Fab's Music CaféFab's Movie Night

Fab's Music Café: Stephen Perkins

His role of founding member for the mega star outfit “Jane’s Addiction”, and beat master for other legendary bands like Infectious Grooves, Porno for Pyros, Nine Inch Nails and many more, might have given him general public stardom, but Stephen Perkins, when it comes down to drumming, is considered one of the most creatives ones out there, and with a merit ! Raised on Rock and Metal in his pre Jane’s Addiction years, he learned how to listen and to open his intake of music influences with a 360 angle. Master tribal that he is, he can switch from a super tight funk to a Mozambico , while adding his own signature colors, and percussive sounds too.. He is one of those people who light up the room when they enter it, and so is his drumming and stage performance, no matter what “alternative” du jour tonight’s gig might call for. Stephen Perkins has been working on a series of brand new grooves in combination with percussions and other unconventional percussion, he is about to launch his own label, and keeps himself busy with recording sessions and live performances of all kinds.
01:35:084 years ago

Fab's Music Café, Italy

Roberto Vanni
Fab's Music Café, Italy

Roberto Vanni

Nato e cresciuto con la musica Rock, Roberto Vanni vanta anni ed anni di palchi e studi. Accanito fan del suo strumento, non ne fa’ segreto della sua infatuazione chitarristica. Diplomato con lode al celeberrimo Musicians Institute di Los Angeles, Roberto (Roby) ha riportato con se al rientro in Italia, una lunga lista di esperienze e contatti, che si sono dimostrati piu’ che utili negli anni, cementando relazioni e collaborazioni con illustri colleghi di storica fama internazionale e prestigiose marche di strumenti musicali. Altre note di rilievo sono la sua notevole ed estesa carriera didattica e l’attività concertistica con la Diapason Band, la piu’ longeva tribute band a Vasco Rossi della penisola.
01:02:274 years ago
Alessandro Del Vecchio
Fab's Music Café, Italy

Alessandro Del Vecchio

Nato e cresciuto in Italia, Alessandro e’ assolutamente uno dei musicisti Italiani piu’ prolifici e attivi a livello internazionale nel mondo dell’Hard Rock. Scrivere, suonare, cantare e produrre sono i quattro punti cardinali della sua attività’ come musicista. Il suo lavoro alle tastiere e come produttore, si puo’ sentire su una miriade di uscite discografiche della label Italiana Frontiers Record, a loro volta licenziate in giro per il mondo da compagnie come Avalon Marquee, JVC Victor, Nippon Crown e King Records (Giappone), EMI e AFM. Alcune delle sue piu’ recenti uscite discografiche includono Revolution Saints, Hardline e Black Swan, e tra le sue piu’ illustri collaborazioni e’ giusto nominare The Moonstone Project (con gli ospiti Ian Paice & Glenn Hughes) ,Mr. Big, Bobby Kimball, Steve Porcaro, Fergie Frederiksen (Toto); Ian Gillan,Roger Glover, Ian Paice, Joe Lynn Turner, Don Airey; James LaBrie, Jordan Ruddess ; Neal Schon, Deen Castronovo, ; Doug Aldrich, Bernie Marsden (Whitesnake); George Lynch, Jeff Pilson (Dokken); Jim Peterik, Carmine e Vinny Appice, Jorn Lande e Jeff Scott Soto. Upcoming projects SUNSTORM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOfCuhLd6eU HARDLINE, feat. Johnny Gioeli & EDGE OF FOREVER , tutti in uscita su Frontiers Records nel 2021.
01:15:474 years ago
Fab's Italian Music Cafe: Gianni Rojatti
Fab's Music Café, Italy
Fab's Music CaféFab's Movie Night

Fab's Italian Music Cafe: Gianni Rojatti

Gianni Rojatti e’ un altro di quei musicisti con la “M” maiuscola. La sua proverbiale prodezza musicale non si limita ad essere un grande chitarrista, ma include diversi ruoli : produttore, direttore musicale, direttore artistico, giornalista e .....”performer”. Una stile tutto particolare il suo, che potrebbe ricordare il tocco di qualche leggenda, ma con dei risvolti tutti suoni, che si focalizzano su una grande ricerca della melodia su ritmiche e temi, mai monotoni ne scontati. Al momento si sta’ dedicando al lancio del supergruppo Falcons, con Federico Malaman al basso, Federico Paulovich alla batteria e Marco Scipione al sax...un progetto strumentale tra rock, fusion e progressive , descritto come “molto coraggioso”. Assieme a Daniele Gottardo, uno dei suoi chitarristi preferiti, sta' registrando una cover molto particolare, un pezzo dei Radiohead con diversi guests, tra cui Kris Barras. Endorses Ibanez di lunga data, sta' preparando alcuni video in supporto del marchio, assieme ad Andrea Lombardini al basso. In primavera e’ inoltre previsto l’inizio dei lavori di un tanto atteso album solista.
01:16:484 years ago
Fab's Music Café: Ivano Icardi
Fab's Music Café, Italy
Fab's Music CaféFab's Movie Night

Fab's Music Café: Ivano Icardi

Torino e’ il suo quartiere generale, ma il mondo della bella musica e’ la sua audience. Uno dei piu’ prolifici chitarristi/scrittori/produttori Italiani. Non solo un asso del suo strumento, ma forza motrice dietro a centinaia di canzoni e brani composti per pubblicità’ , cinema e televisione. Ma il suo grande amore rimane sempre il palco ............
49:094 years ago

'Sidemen: Long Road To Glory' : Exclusive Movie Package

Fab's Movie Night: Exclusive Interview with 'Sidemen' Writer, Producer & Director, Scott Rosenbaum
'Sidemen: Long Road To Glory' : Exclusive Movie Package

Fab's Movie Night: Exclusive Interview with 'Sidemen' Writer, Producer & Director, Scott Rosenbaum

In this exclusive interview, Fab talks to Scott Rosenbaum, writer/producer/director of the movie, Sidemen: Long Road to Glory: Scott spent over 10 years researching and making the movie and this interview gives an insight into the blood, sweat and tears that went into this massive tribute to 3 of the Blues less-sung heroes. The movie package with over 40 minutes of bonus never before seen interviews is available NOW to rent or buy in Fab's Movie Night in AGN On Demand: Sidemen is an intimate look into the incredible lives of three of the last Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf sidemen, piano player Pinetop Perkins, drummer Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith and guitarist Hubert Sumlin. These legendary bluesmen, who performed and recorded into their 80's and 90's, played a significant role in shaping modern popular music. The film features some of the last interviews conducted with all three men as well as their final live performances together. These memorable live performances, vividly capture these blues legends with the blues and rock stars they have inspired including, Robby Krieger of The Doors, Elvin Bishop (recent rock ‘n’ Roll Hall inductee with The Paul Butterfield Blues Band), and Tim Reynolds of The Dave Matthews Band. Personal insights from artists such as, Bonnie Raitt, Gregg Allman, Derek Trucks, Shemekia Copeland, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Joe Perry, Joe Bonamassa and Johnny Winter offer heartfelt accounts of how these three legendary sidemen helped shape their careers as well as rock ‘n’ roll. Sidemen takes us on the road with Pinetop, Willie and Hubert, three of our last direct links to the origins of the blues, as they share the incredible stories about each of their personal histories. From their upbringings on Delta plantations of the Jim Crow south to lives spent on the road in the shadow of two of the biggest figures in music history, their stories are not only a part of music history, but American history as well. As we ride along, we can’t help but fall in love with these three endearing men as we experience all the trials and triumphs of these remarkable lives. In the summer of 2008, a group of legendary bluesmen, some of the last surviving members of the Howlin’ Wolf and Muddy Waters bands, were brought together by director Scott Rosenbaum for a cameo appearance in his feature film, The Perfect Age of Rock ‘n’ Roll.  Pinetop Perkins, Willie "Big Eyes" Smith and Hubert Sumlin were cast for their authenticity and ability to underscore the film’s critical subplot, the evolution of rock ‘n’ roll through the blues.  During breaks in production, these bluesmen thrilled Rosenbaum with their tales of a lifetime spent on the road.  Firsthand accounts of experiences with the mythical Robert Johnson, the larger-than-life Howlin’ Wolf, the seminal Muddy Waters and disciples such as Jimi Hendrix and The Rolling Stones got the director’s creative wheels spinning.  Between takes, Sumlin called Rosenbaum over to the bandstand and prophetically told him of his feeling that they would be working together again.  In an instant, an idea that had been germinating with the director for years took root. When the bluesmen’s booking agent, Hugh Southard approached Rosenbaum, asking him to lend the film’s name to help galvanize a world tour featuring these legendary musicians, a concept had fully blossomed.  Having grown up on Martin Scorsese’s valediction to The Band, The Last Waltz, Rosenbaum wanted to make a film that similarly honored the life and musical legacy of these aging bluesmen. When Pinetop, Hubert and Willie "Big Eyes," along with Sugar Blue, Robert Stroger and Bob Margolin hit the road as The Perfect Age of Rock ‘n’ Roll Blues Band, Rosenbaum, along with producers Jasin Cadic, Tony Grazia and Joe White were determined to capture this important moment and fleeting history. Over the next three years they would follow these blues legends, shooting live performances, an historic Grammy win, dozens of intimate interviews, countless behind-the-scenes moments, and documenting their lives on the road.  Sadly, the 2011 deaths of Willie, Pine and Hubert altered the film’s initial Last Waltz style vision; to capture these legends performing live versions of classic blues songs with the musicians they had so heavily influenced. Luckily, several of these performance pairings were filmed before their deaths. Those treasured moments are complimented by over two dozen subsequent interviews with some of blues and rock’s biggest names, demonstrating the true impact and tremendous respect that these men engendered over the course of their long careers. Members of The Doors, The Allman Brothers, The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Aerosmith, The Dave Matthews Band, as well as artists like Bonnie Raitt, Johnny Winter, Bobby Rush and Shemekia Copeland share their personal and professional recollections of these men and the impact that they’ve had on their own careers.  When asked how they hoped to be remembered, Willie, Pine and Hubert consistently expressed their wish to be known for both having kept the blues alive and to serve as an inspiration for the younger generations of musicians. Interviews with blues acolytes Joe Bonamassa, Eric Gales, Warren Haynes, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, and Derek Trucks affirm that their legacies are alive and well. Several of these musicians have even contributed searing on-camera solo performances in tribute to these late blues legends.  Haunting imagery of the Mississippi Delta region, the birthplace of the blues and these legendary bluesmen, punctuates this powerful piece of history. This film succeeds in capturing the personal triumphs, tragedies and tremendous perseverance of three of the last original Delta and Chicago bluesmen while preserving a critical legacy that is nothing short of our last links to the origins of all popular music.
40:104 years ago
Sidemen: Long Road To Glory: Movie Trailer
'Sidemen: Long Road To Glory' : Exclusive Movie Package
Joe BonamassaTim PierceJosh SmithNorman's Rare GuitarsNewsVintageKirk FletcherJazzCountryRockBluesAcousticFab's Music Café

Sidemen: Long Road To Glory: Movie Trailer

Sidemen: Long Road to Glory: the movie package with over 40 minutes of bonus never before seen interviews is available NOW to rent or buy in Fab's Movie Night in AGN On Demand: Sidemen is an intimate look into the incredible lives of three of the last Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf sidemen, piano player Pinetop Perkins, drummer Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith and guitarist Hubert Sumlin. These legendary bluesmen, who performed and recorded into their 80's and 90's, played a significant role in shaping modern popular music. The film features some of the last interviews conducted with all three men as well as their final live performances together. These memorable live performances, vividly capture these blues legends with the blues and rock stars they have inspired including, Robby Krieger of The Doors, Elvin Bishop (recent rock ‘n’ Roll Hall inductee with The Paul Butterfield Blues Band), and Tim Reynolds of The Dave Matthews Band. Personal insights from artists such as, Bonnie Raitt, Gregg Allman, Derek Trucks, Shemekia Copeland, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Joe Perry, Joe Bonamassa and Johnny Winter offer heartfelt accounts of how these three legendary sidemen helped shape their careers as well as rock ‘n’ roll. Sidemen takes us on the road with Pinetop, Willie and Hubert, three of our last direct links to the origins of the blues, as they share the incredible stories about each of their personal histories. From their upbringings on Delta plantations of the Jim Crow south to lives spent on the road in the shadow of two of the biggest figures in music history, their stories are not only a part of music history, but American history as well. As we ride along, we can’t help but fall in love with these three endearing men as we experience all the trials and triumphs of these remarkable lives. In the summer of 2008, a group of legendary bluesmen, some of the last surviving members of the Howlin’ Wolf and Muddy Waters bands, were brought together by director Scott Rosenbaum for a cameo appearance in his feature film, The Perfect Age of Rock ‘n’ Roll.  Pinetop Perkins, Willie "Big Eyes" Smith and Hubert Sumlin were cast for their authenticity and ability to underscore the film’s critical subplot, the evolution of rock ‘n’ roll through the blues.  During breaks in production, these bluesmen thrilled Rosenbaum with their tales of a lifetime spent on the road.  Firsthand accounts of experiences with the mythical Robert Johnson, the larger-than-life Howlin’ Wolf, the seminal Muddy Waters and disciples such as Jimi Hendrix and The Rolling Stones got the director’s creative wheels spinning.  Between takes, Sumlin called Rosenbaum over to the bandstand and prophetically told him of his feeling that they would be working together again.  In an instant, an idea that had been germinating with the director for years took root. When the bluesmen’s booking agent, Hugh Southard approached Rosenbaum, asking him to lend the film’s name to help galvanize a world tour featuring these legendary musicians, a concept had fully blossomed.  Having grown up on Martin Scorsese’s valediction to The Band, The Last Waltz, Rosenbaum wanted to make a film that similarly honored the life and musical legacy of these aging bluesmen. When Pinetop, Hubert and Willie "Big Eyes," along with Sugar Blue, Robert Stroger and Bob Margolin hit the road as The Perfect Age of Rock ‘n’ Roll Blues Band, Rosenbaum, along with producers Jasin Cadic, Tony Grazia and Joe White were determined to capture this important moment and fleeting history. Over the next three years they would follow these blues legends, shooting live performances, an historic Grammy win, dozens of intimate interviews, countless behind-the-scenes moments, and documenting their lives on the road.  Sadly, the 2011 deaths of Willie, Pine and Hubert altered the film’s initial Last Waltz style vision; to capture these legends performing live versions of classic blues songs with the musicians they had so heavily influenced. Luckily, several of these performance pairings were filmed before their deaths. Those treasured moments are complimented by over two dozen subsequent interviews with some of blues and rock’s biggest names, demonstrating the true impact and tremendous respect that these men engendered over the course of their long careers. Members of The Doors, The Allman Brothers, The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Aerosmith, The Dave Matthews Band, as well as artists like Bonnie Raitt, Johnny Winter, Bobby Rush and Shemekia Copeland share their personal and professional recollections of these men and the impact that they’ve had on their own careers.  When asked how they hoped to be remembered, Willie, Pine and Hubert consistently expressed their wish to be known for both having kept the blues alive and to serve as an inspiration for the younger generations of musicians. Interviews with blues acolytes Joe Bonamassa, Eric Gales, Warren Haynes, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, and Derek Trucks affirm that their legacies are alive and well. Several of these musicians have even contributed searing on-camera solo performances in tribute to these late blues legends.  Haunting imagery of the Mississippi Delta region, the birthplace of the blues and these legendary bluesmen, punctuates this powerful piece of history. This film succeeds in capturing the personal triumphs, tragedies and tremendous perseverance of three of the last original Delta and Chicago bluesmen while preserving a critical legacy that is nothing short of our last links to the origins of all popular music.
02:444 years ago
Supersonic Blues Machine: Sidemen: Long Road To Glory
'Sidemen: Long Road To Glory' : Exclusive Movie Package

Supersonic Blues Machine: Sidemen: Long Road To Glory

Supersonic Blues Machine: Sidemen: Long Road To Glory
03:534 years ago
Fab's Movie Night: Sidemen: Exclusive Extras: Part I
'Sidemen: Long Road To Glory' : Exclusive Movie Package

Fab's Movie Night: Sidemen: Exclusive Extras: Part I

Fabs Music Cafe: Sidemen; Exclusive Extras Part 1: Sidemen: Long Road to Glory provides an intimate look into the incredible lives of three of the last Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf sidemen, piano player Pinetop Perkins, drummer Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith and guitarist Hubert Sumlin. These legendary bluesmen, who performed and recorded into their 80's and 90's, played a significant role in shaping modern popular music. The film features some of the last interviews conducted with all three men as well as their final live performances together. These memorable live performances, vividly capture these blues legends with the blues and rock stars they have inspired including, Robby Krieger of The Doors, Elvin Bishop (recent rock ‘n’ Roll Hall inductee with The Paul Butterfield Blues Band), and Tim Reynolds of The Dave Matthews Band. Personal insights from artists such as, Bonnie Raitt, Gregg Allman, Derek Trucks, Shemekia Copeland, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Joe Perry, Joe Bonamassa and Johnny Winter offer heartfelt accounts of how these three legendary sidemen helped shape their careers as well as rock ‘n’ roll. Sidemen takes us on the road with Pinetop, Willie and Hubert, three of our last direct links to the origins of the blues, as they share the incredible stories about each of their personal histories. From their upbringings on Delta plantations of the Jim Crow south to lives spent on the road in the shadow of two of the biggest figures in music history, their stories are not only a part of music history, but American history as well. As we ride along, we can’t help but fall in love with these three endearing men as we experience all the trials and triumphs of these remarkable lives. In the summer of 2008, a group of legendary bluesmen, some of the last surviving members of the Howlin’ Wolf and Muddy Waters bands, were brought together by director Scott Rosenbaum for a cameo appearance in his feature film, The Perfect Age of Rock ‘n’ Roll.  Pinetop Perkins, Willie "Big Eyes" Smith and Hubert Sumlin were cast for their authenticity and ability to underscore the film’s critical subplot, the evolution of rock ‘n’ roll through the blues.  During breaks in production, these bluesmen thrilled Rosenbaum with their tales of a lifetime spent on the road.  Firsthand accounts of experiences with the mythical Robert Johnson, the larger-than-life Howlin’ Wolf, the seminal Muddy Waters and disciples such as Jimi Hendrix and The Rolling Stones got the director’s creative wheels spinning.  Between takes, Sumlin called Rosenbaum over to the bandstand and prophetically told him of his feeling that they would be working together again.  In an instant, an idea that had been germinating with the director for years took root. When the bluesmen’s booking agent, Hugh Southard approached Rosenbaum, asking him to lend the film’s name to help galvanize a world tour featuring these legendary musicians, a concept had fully blossomed.  Having grown up on Martin Scorsese’s valediction to The Band, The Last Waltz, Rosenbaum wanted to make a film that similarly honored the life and musical legacy of these aging bluesmen. When Pinetop, Hubert and Willie "Big Eyes," along with Sugar Blue, Robert Stroger and Bob Margolin hit the road as The Perfect Age of Rock ‘n’ Roll Blues Band, Rosenbaum, along with producers Jasin Cadic, Tony Grazia and Joe White were determined to capture this important moment and fleeting history. Over the next three years they would follow these blues legends, shooting live performances, an historic Grammy win, dozens of intimate interviews, countless behind-the-scenes moments, and documenting their lives on the road.  Sadly, the 2011 deaths of Willie, Pine and Hubert altered the film’s initial Last Waltz style vision; to capture these legends performing live versions of classic blues songs with the musicians they had so heavily influenced. Luckily, several of these performance pairings were filmed before their deaths. Those treasured moments are complimented by over two dozen subsequent interviews with some of blues and rock’s biggest names, demonstrating the true impact and tremendous respect that these men engendered over the course of their long careers. Members of The Doors, The Allman Brothers, The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Aerosmith, The Dave Matthews Band, as well as artists like Bonnie Raitt, Johnny Winter, Bobby Rush and Shemekia Copeland share their personal and professional recollections of these men and the impact that they’ve had on their own careers.  When asked how they hoped to be remembered, Willie, Pine and Hubert consistently expressed their wish to be known for both having kept the blues alive and to serve as an inspiration for the younger generations of musicians. Interviews with blues acolytes Joe Bonamassa, Eric Gales, Warren Haynes, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, and Derek Trucks affirm that their legacies are alive and well. Several of these musicians have even contributed searing on-camera solo performances in tribute to these late blues legends.  Haunting imagery of the Mississippi Delta region, the birthplace of the blues and these legendary bluesmen, punctuates this powerful piece of history. This film succeeds in capturing the personal triumphs, tragedies and tremendous perseverance of three of the last original Delta and Chicago bluesmen while preserving a critical legacy that is nothing short of our last links to the origins of all popular music.
20:154 years ago

Herbie Hancock: Possibilities

The Wrecking Crew

The Wrecking Crew
The Wrecking Crew
VintageJazzCountryRockBluesAcousticFab's Music CaféFab's Movie NightRecording

The Wrecking Crew

Music lovers will be astonished at the influence The Wrecking Crew wielded over rock and pop music in the 1960s and early 1970s. These unsung instrumentalists were the de-facto backing band on hit records by The Beach Boys, Phil Spector, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, Sonny & Cher, Elvis, The Monkees and many more. These dedicated musicians brought the flair and musicianship that made the American “West Coast Sound” a dominant cultural force around the world. Starring: Brian Wilson, Cher, Dick Clark, Glen Campbell, Lou Adler, Nancy Sinatra. directed by: Denny Tedesco. documentary: PG. 2015.
01:41:534 years ago
The Wrecking Crew: watch trailer
The Wrecking Crew
VintageJazzCountryRockBluesAcousticFab's Music CaféFab's Movie NightRecordingSong Writing

The Wrecking Crew: watch trailer

Rent or buy The Wrecking Crew right here on All Guitar Network now.......and to check out Fab's exclusive interview with the director, Denny Tedesco, head over to Fab's Music Café in On Demand, it's free for all registered users. If you are not yet registered, register now, it's completely free and unlocks more exclusive free content. Music lovers will be astonished at the influence The Wrecking Crew wielded over rock and pop music in the 1960s and early 1970s. These unsung instrumentalists were the de-facto backing band on hit records by The Beach Boys, Phil Spector, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, Sonny & Cher, Elvis, The Monkees and many more. These dedicated musicians brought the flair and musicianship that made the American “West Coast Sound” a dominant cultural force around the world. Starring: Brian Wilson, Cher, Dick Clark, Glen Campbell, Lou Adler, Nancy Sinatra. directed by: Denny Tedesco. documentary: PG. 2015.
02:283 years ago