![Vero Great Guitar Contest: Michael Lemmo + Todd Wisenbaker on "how To Enter"](https://img.tradecast.eu/hj3kblCUQ4fotDp-z0zQuujiv6jHMhOjbiRjf03vV4k/rt:fit/s:320:0:1/gravity:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbGxndWl0YXJuZXR3b3JrLmNvbS9jZG4vY3VzdG9tX3RodW1ibmFpbHMvZDdiOTRiNDQtMWFiYy00YzA2LWFkMjEtNGRhMWE5ZDYyMGI2L2N1c3RvbS10aHVtYm5haWwtMTI4MHg3MjAuanBn.jpg)
Vero Great Guitar Contest: Michael Lemmo + Todd Wisenbaker on "how To Enter"
Michael Lemmo + Todd Wisenbaker with a little more info on how to enter the Vero Great Guitar Contest. No only will you win a beautiful Taylor 717 Builder's Edition 'Grand Pacific' acoustic, the winner will aslo be flown out to LA, do an interview and jam with Michael Lemmo on the couch at Norm's, an interview with All Guitar Network and a tour of the Taylor Factory. Do it now, entries close July 17th.