Wireless Systems For Guitar How Do They Compare to Cables.
Can you tell we had some fun with this one? Today we're checking out the pros and cons of using a wireless system for your guitar-- does it sacrifice tone or add latency? Using one of the newest options, the pedal-sized Boss WL-50, Cooper is plugging in this beautiful Mod Shop Telecaster in directly to the Hot Rod Deluxe and then goin' mobile... let's see how far this Telecaster can go from the WL-50 before cutting out! Do you use a wireless system? Let us know your favorite one!
SHOP BOSS WL-50: https://www.alamomusic.com/boss-wl-50...
0:00 Intro / Product Review
9:21 Cable Direct To Amp Demo
10:24 Goin' Wireless
12:14 Wrappin' Up