![Fender Custom Shop Wildwood 10 Relic-Ready 1952 Telecaster • SN: R101101](https://img.tradecast.eu/9W9P9KXSCJc2V9RG_mb3IyQLSopv73iJXr7aP4hMCQk/rt:fit/s:320:0:1/gravity:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbGxndWl0YXJuZXR3b3JrLmNvbS9jZG4vY3VzdG9tX3RodW1ibmFpbHMvNTBlNjUwMjQtOTk0Ny00MjBjLWE3YzMtMTkzZDk4ZjA5M2JjL2N1c3RvbS10aHVtYm5haWwtMTI4MHg3MjAuanBn.jpg)
Fender Custom Shop Wildwood 10 Relic-Ready 1952 Telecaster • SN: R101101
Though the idea for the Telecaster had been germinating inside the beautiful mind of Leo Fender since 1950, it didn’t make its grand entrance under the name we all know until 1952. The fact that the Telecaster has remained basically unchanged since then is a testament to the enduring perfect simplicity of its design.
Our Wildwood 10 1952 Telecasters pay tribute to Leo’s original brilliant, elegant design. They have a ton of vintage vibe thanks to their resonant ash bodies with old-school nitrocellulose lacquer finishes, but they also offer comfortable modern ergonomics with their Wildwood-exclusive 10″ radius and 6105 narrow-tall frets. Addictive playability and tons of vintage vibe? Yes, please! We invite you to browse our selection of Wildwood 10 1952 Telecasters. We have lots of color options, and many various types of relic’d finishes, so we’re sure you’ll find one that plucks at your heartstrings.