Arinjoy Sarkar

Arinjoy Sarkar
Arinjoy Sarkar: Blues in D Minor
He's back, our favorite Blues Upload Crew Member, , Arinjoy Sarkar......Backing Track : Monster Mike Welch

Arinjoy Sarkar
Upload Of The DayBlues
Arinjoy Sarkar: "Sweet Little Angel", (BB King)
Backing track: TCGD Guitar Lessons

Arinjoy Sarkar
UPLOAD: Good Old Chicago Blues- Arinjoy Sarkar
Upload from SUBMIT MEDIA on the AGN APP: Arinjoy is back with some great Blues playing....(Backing Track- MCCD Sessions-YouTube)

Arinjoy Sarkar
Fat Tone Fun!! - Arinjoy Sarkar
More from Arinjoy Sarkar.....Backing Track: Random Jammer:

Arinjoy Sarkar
Upload Of The DayNewsRockBlues
Upload Of The day: Blues in D - Arinjoy Sarkar
He's back....the Blues master, Arinjoy Sarkar.

Arinjoy Sarkar
Upload Of The DayBluesAcoustic
Arinjoy Sarkar: BB King vibes
One of our favorite 'Uploaders", Arinjoy Sarkar is back with some sweet Blues soloing on an acoustic guitar in the style of BB King. Arinjoy really has it all, feel,. chops, technique, soul....!!!
Think you have what it takes...? Go to the AGN app now, head to SUBMIT MEDIA in the SHOW MORE menu and upload a clip of you playing.

Arinjoy Sarkar
Upload Of The DayRockBlues
Minor Blues Jam- Arinjoy Sarkar
Once again, Arinjoy Sarkar is back, doin' what he does best, Strat in hand, laying down some great Blues guitar on a backing track by Sebastian Zunino....60 seconds of great licks, tone, feel and passion....Thx for the upload Arinjoy.
Think you've got what it takes? Simply go to SUBMIT MEDIA on the All Guitar Network app and upload NOW....!

Arinjoy Sarkar
Blues for peace and love- Arinjoy Sarkar
Arinjoy Sarkar just submitted this great clip, completely 'live' and spontaneous (even down to the 'beeps' around 42sec ..!) Arinjoy really has some serious Blues chops.....!

Arinjoy Sarkar
Arinjoy Sarkar - Groovy blues
Here's a great little bit of Blues playing submitted by AGN user, Arinjoy Sarkar. NOW, we want to hear and see YOU...! Go to the ALL GUITAR NETWORK app now and upload a video of your playing, your gigs, your interviews, your favorite guitars, whatever, if it involves Guitar we want to hear from YOU....!