Sarah Rogo

The Sarah Rogo Show: Slide in Standard Tuning
Sarah Rogo
Joe BonamassaSlashSarah RogoTim PierceBassJosh SmithNorman's Rare GuitarsUpload Of The DayDeke DickersonLessonsNewsVintageTips, Tech & RepairsKirk FletcherMorning Joe MassNorman's Rare Guitars PodcastHenny HendrexzMichael LemmoGuitar Of The DayJazzDavid BeckerCountryRockBluesAcousticMrs Smith

The Sarah Rogo Show: Slide in Standard Tuning

The majority of slide is done in opening tunings but playing in standard tuning has many advantages, the main one being you can easily swap back to playing standard guitar.
05:105 years ago
The Sarah Rogo Show-: Slide Techniques; finding the right one for you
Sarah Rogo
Joe BonamassaSlashSarah RogoTim PierceBassJosh SmithNorman's Rare GuitarsUpload Of The DayDeke DickersonLessonsNewsVintageTips, Tech & RepairsKirk FletcherMorning Joe MassNorman's Rare Guitars PodcastHenny HendrexzMichael LemmoGuitar Of The DayJazzDavid BeckerCountryRockBluesAcousticMrs Smith

The Sarah Rogo Show-: Slide Techniques; finding the right one for you

Sarah demonstrates different slide techniques and the myriad of styles that create original and different sounds and tones.
04:275 years ago
3 Different Finger Picking Techniques
Sarah Rogo
Joe BonamassaSlashSarah RogoTim PierceBassJosh SmithNorman's Rare GuitarsUpload Of The DayDeke DickersonLessonsNewsVintageTips, Tech & RepairsKirk FletcherMorning Joe MassNorman's Rare Guitars PodcastHenny HendrexzMichael LemmoGuitar Of The DayJazzDavid BeckerCountryRockBluesAcousticMrs Smith

3 Different Finger Picking Techniques

In this episode, Sarah demonstrates 3 Different Finger Picking Techniques she uses when playing acoustic slide. The three songs are: 'Ain't No Way To Get Along' by Rev Robert Wilkins, 'Tricks Ain't Walkin' No More' by Memphis Minnie and 'Louise' by Paul Rishell.
08:275 years ago
The Sarah Rogo Show: S2 Ep1: How to play Muddy Waters classic, Rollin' & Tumblin'
Sarah Rogo
Joe BonamassaSlashSarah RogoTim PierceBassJosh SmithNorman's Rare GuitarsUpload Of The DayDeke DickersonLessonsNewsVintageTips, Tech & RepairsKirk FletcherMorning Joe MassNorman's Rare Guitars PodcastHenny HendrexzMichael LemmoGuitar Of The DayJazzDavid BeckerCountryRockBluesAcoustic

The Sarah Rogo Show: S2 Ep1: How to play Muddy Waters classic, Rollin' & Tumblin'

Sarah takes us through a step by step guide on how to play the Muddy Waters classic, Rollin' & Tumblin'.
05:405 years ago
Episode 10: Song writing with a guitar
Sarah Rogo

Episode 10: Song writing with a guitar

Sarah shares her thoughts and some words of wisdom on song writing, most specifically writing with guitar.
05:466 years ago
The Sarah Rogo Show: Episode 5: Open Tunings
Sarah Rogo

The Sarah Rogo Show: Episode 5: Open Tunings

The Sarah Rogo Show: Episode 5: Open Tunings: Sarah takes us through the basics and the beauty of open tunings.
03:235 years ago
Episode 7: finger-picking
Sarah Rogo

Episode 7: finger-picking

The Sarah Rogo ShowEpisode7If you always wanted to get into finger-picking, but don't know where to start, check this out.
04:475 years ago
Episode 9: Michael Lemmo
Sarah Rogo

Episode 9: Michael Lemmo

The Sarah Rogo Show_Episode 9: Sarah talks to Guitar Of The Day host Michael Lemmo about how he got started and his love for the Jazzmaster.
08:165 years ago
Episode 4: The Basics of the Slide Guitar
Sarah Rogo

Episode 4: The Basics of the Slide Guitar

Sarah shows us the basics of acoustic slide playing. The tunings, the ways to hold the slide etc.
06:386 years ago
Episode 6: Tett Talk
Sarah Rogo

Episode 6: Tett Talk

Sarah talks to LA duo TETT.
07:485 years ago