Frank Hohl

Frank Hohl
Frank Hohl- Tennis Anyone...??
H i again AGN, Stumbled on a Ukulele neck at my local music store about a year ago, and I’m not even sure why I bought it. But it worked out great. only one if its kind, i think.

Frank Hohl
EVH Pedal built by AGN contributor (and, great player...!!), Frank Hohl
Frank Hohl built this great sounding EVH pedal and here he is putting it through it's paces. Frank has a great sound, beautiful technique and in this uploaded clip he throws in just enough Eddie licks and whammy bar to pays homage to one of his heroes....and, he's still recovering from surgery on his hand.

Frank Hohl
UPLOAD: Frank Hohl: Riff’n after my hand surgery 8 months ago
Upload from SUBMIT MEDIA on the AGN APP: Hi AGN, my name is Frank Hohl 8 months ago i had Arthroplasty on my left hand. After play’n gigs for a solid four years with basically bone on bone i finally bit the bullet i did the surgery. i was extremely nervous about doing the surgery but now that its done, i couldn’t be happier. So anybody out there suffering with the same condition i say go for it. About my video, it has some blunders but i like it cuz i was able free myself and just go for it. Thanks for keep’n guitar alive. You guys Rock!

Frank Hohl
Tennis anyone....
Now this is the kinda Tennis we could get into....this great clip was submitted by AGN user, Frank Hohl. NOW, we want to hear and see YOU...! Go to the ALL GUITAR NETWORK app right now and upload a video of your playing, your gigs, your interviews, your favorite guitars.......Do it....!