Joel's Plan B

Joel's Plan B
Joel's Plan B: 1937 Martin C1 conversion to OM18
Joel has just completed another Martin conversion, this time it's a 1937 C1 that is now an 'OM-18'. Everything's original on this one except the top and the frets. This time Joel has done some very subtle 'distressing' on the top to match the original aged finish on the back and neck.

Joel's Plan B
Episode 6: 1936 Martin C2 Conversion to OM42
Joel's Plan 'B': Episode 6: Joel converted this little loved basket-case 1936 Martin C2 into a beautiful shadetop OM42. In this interview he explains how and why....!

Joel's Plan B
Joel Whitehead - Luthier
Joel Whitehead builds some of the most beautiful acoustics today. Joe Bonamassa has one. They play great, they sound great....they are GREAT...!

Joel's Plan B
Episode 2 - 1886 Martin 042
A not so young guitar joined by Joel in this episode. The 1886 Martin O-42