Chad Watson's Basslines

Chad Watson's Basslines
Thanks - Chad names his favorite bass players.
Chad names and thanks some of the most inspirational bass players of all time.

Chad Watson's Basslines
Circular 4ths with Dominant 7ths
Another lesson from the master of the bass clef, Chad Watson.

Chad Watson's Basslines
Circular 4ths With Harmonic 10ths
Master of the bass, a the great Chad Watson goes further into the beautiful world of chords on the bass.

Chad Watson's Basslines
Episode 2 - Melodic Fills With 10ths
Chad looks at melodic fills with 10ths.

Chad Watson's Basslines
Episode 1 - Circular 4ths In 10ths
The first in a series of Bass Guitar lessons by master bass player Chad Watson on the dark arts of using chords on bass solos.